Data Portal "Sofortprogramm Munitionsbergung in Nord- und Ostsee"

This data portal is built using the open source software stack GeoNode. We encourage you to use the portal and GeoNode to build new applications using the components and resources it provides. This page is a starting point for developers interested in taking full advantage of those. It also includes links to the project's source code so anyone can build and customize their own GeoNode based data portal.

The code that runs this data portal is based on the GeoNode project and is open source. The code will soon be availavle at GitHub.

Hosted by

The data portal for the "Sofortprogramm Munitionsbergung in Nord- und Ostsee" is hosted by:

  • GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR).

Additional funding

The evnvironmental monitoring conducted during the remediation of munitions objects was funded by:

  • The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV).

Provided Services

OGC Services

The data in this application is served using open standards endorsed by ISO and the Open Geospatial Consortium. In particular, WMS (Web Map Service) is used for accessing maps, WFS (Web Feature Service) is used for accessing vector data, and WCS (Web Coverage Service) is used for accessing raster data. You can use these services in your own applications like GIS clients (QGIS, GRASS, ArcGIS) or using libraries such as OpenLayers, GeoTools, and OGR (all of which are open-source software and available at zero cost). Additionally, CSW (Catalog Service for the Web) supports access to collections of descriptive information (metadata) about data and services.


Additionally, to the geodata based OGC Services the data portal provides a REST API. You can take a look at the REST-APIs self-description here.



To get all Resources as a JSON encoded result you can call

To get the resources with UUID xxx you shall call{uuid.icontains}=xxx


To interact with GeoNode's CSW you can use any CSW client (QGIS MetaSearch, GRASS, etc.). The following example illustrates a simple invocation using the OWSLib Python package:

from owslib.csw import CatalogueServiceWeb
from owslib.fes import PropertyIsEqualTo, PropertyIsLike, BBox

# variables
csw_endpoint = ''
search_text = 'ctd'

# connect to csw
csw = CatalogueServiceWeb(csw_endpoint)

# 1. query by search string
text_query = PropertyIsEqualTo('csw:AnyText', search_text)
csw.getrecords2(constraints=[text_query], maxrecords=20)
# print response titles
for rec in csw.records:


To include a GeoNode map layer in an OpenLayers map, first find the name for that layer. This is found in the layer's name field (not title) of the layer list. For this example, we will use the Hydrographic Data of the Mackerel and Horse Mackerel Egg Survey layer, whose name is geonode:hydro_survey_megs. Then, create an instance of OpenLayers.Layer.WMS:

var geonodeLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Data Portal Sofortprogramm", "",{ layers: "geonode:al609_ctd_metadata" });


To get data from the GeoNode web services use the WFS protocol. To fetch available datasets you can send a GetCapabilites request:

For example, to get the full Hydrographic Data of the Mackerel and Horse Mackerel Egg Survey (see WMS) use:

Changing output format to json, GML2, GML3, or csv will get data in those formats. The WFS protocol also can handle more precise queries, specifying a bounding box or various spatial and non-spatial filters based on the attributes of the data.

GeoNode's Web Services

GeoNode's Web Services are available from the following URLs:

Dynamic tiles via WMS: WMS 1.3.0
Vector data via WFS: WFS 2.0.0
Raster data via WCS: WCS 2.0.1
Metadata search via CSW: CSW 2.0.2
Metadata search via OpenSearch: OpenSearch 1.0
Resources via REST API Swagger UI